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flows_matrix <- list.load("gravity_model_files/flows_matrix.rds")

msoa_graph_dist <- list.load("gravity_model_files/msoa_graph_dist.rds")

msoa_graph_dist <- (msoa_graph_dist/1000/14) |> round()

This file will cover the process of building a local version of the gravity model used to predict cycling and/or walking flows across London.

What model to use ?

The general version of the doubly constrained gravity model looks the following way: \[ T_{ij} = A_iB_jO_iD_jf(c_{ij}) \] where \(O_i\) is the working population of the origin, and \(D_j\) is the available workplaces at the destination location: \[ O_i = \sum_j T_{ij} \] \[ D_j = \sum_i T_{ij} \]

The terms \(A_i\),\(B_j\) are factors for each location. The derivation of these factors is based on the relation:

\[A_i = [\sum_j B_jD_jf(c_{ij})]^{-1}\]

\[B_j = [\sum_i A_iO_if(c_{ij})]^{-1}\]

with the derivation made from a recursive chain with initial values 1. Let’s refer to the parameters above as vectors \(\vec{A}\),\(\vec{B}\),\(\vec{O}\),\(\vec{D}\), and to the cost function and flow as matrices F and T such that \(F_{ij}=f(c_{ij})\) and \(T_{ij}\) is a flow from i to j.

# creating the O, D vectors. 
O <- apply(flows_matrix,reduce, MARGIN = 2, sum) |> c()

D <- apply(flows_matrix,reduce, MARGIN = 1, sum) |> c()
F_c <- cost_function(msoa_graph_dist,1,type = "exp")

Next, we need to run the recursive procedure until the values stabilise. We introduce the threshold at which we will stop running the recursion \(\delta\). It corresponds to the rate of change of the parameter with respect to the previous iteration.

beta_calib <- foreach::foreach(i = 28:33
                               ,.combine = rbind) %do% {
                                 beta <- 0.1*(i - 1)
                                 print(paste0("RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = ",beta))
                                 run <- run_model(flows = flows_matrix
                                                  ,distance = msoa_graph_dist
                                                  ,beta = beta
                                                  ,type = "exp"
                                 cbind(beta, run$r2,run$rmse)
## [1] "RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = 2.7"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.523562724685593"
## [1] "r2 = 0.569416661328289"
## [1] "RMSE = 761393"
## [1] "RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = 2.8"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.52139497161395"
## [1] "r2 = 0.564200958959304"
## [1] "RMSE = 782866"
## [1] "RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = 2.9"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.519608318386737"
## [1] "r2 = 0.559996858124681"
## [1] "RMSE = 802874"
## [1] "RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = 3"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.517600476428077"
## [1] "r2 = 0.555519600616845"
## [1] "RMSE = 823828"
## [1] "RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = 3.1"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.515506983755352"
## [1] "r2 = 0.551611759823502"
## [1] "RMSE = 843738"
## [1] "RUNNING MODEL FOR beta = 3.2"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.513382277125238"
## [1] "r2 = 0.547105339699487"
## [1] "RMSE = 864943"
     ,xlab = "beta value"
     ,ylab = "quality of fit, r"
     ,main = "influence of beta on the goodness of fit"
     ,pch = 19
     ,cex = 0.5
     ,type = "b")

beta_best_fit <- beta_calib[which(beta_calib[,2] == max(beta_calib[,2])),1]
x <- seq_len(100)/20
     ,main = "cost function"
     ,xlab = "distance, km"
     ,ylab = "decay factor"
     ,pch = 19
     ,cex = 0.5
     ,type = "l")

run_best_fit <- run_model(flows = flows_matrix
                 ,distance = msoa_graph_dist
                 ,beta = beta_best_fit
                 ,type = "exp"
## [1] "cost function computed"
## [1] "calibration: over"
## [1] "model run: over"
## [1] "E_sor = 0.523562724685593"
## [1] "r2 = 0.569416661328289"
## [1] "RMSE = 761393"
     ,xlab = "iteration"
     ,ylab = "error"
     ,main = "calibration of balancing factors"
     ,pch = 19
     ,cex = 0.5
     ,type = "b"

     ,ylab = "flows model"
     ,xlab = "flows"
     ,log = "xy"
     ,pch = 19
     ,cex = 0.5)
      ,col = "darkred"
      ,lwd = 2)


flows_london <- rlist::list.load("gravity_model_files/flows_london.rds")

sample_od <- sample(unique(flows_london$workplace),100)

flows_grav <- flows_london[(workplace %in% sample_od) & (residence %in% sample_od),]

flows_grav[,O := sum(bike),by = from_id]

flows_grav[,D := sum(bike), by = to_id]


model <- glm(bike ~ workplace+residence+distance -1
             ,data = flows_grav
             ,family = poisson(link = "log")

((model$fitted.values - flows_grav$bike)) |> hist(breaks = 100)

r2 <- r_2(flows_grav$bike,model$fitted.values)
## [1] 0.7254638

Support functions

print("cost function:")
## [1] "cost function:"
## function (d, beta, type = "exp") 
## {
##     if (type == "exp") {
##         exp(-beta * d)
##     }
##     else if (type == "pow") {
##         d^-beta
##     }
##     else {
##         print("provide a type of functino to compute")
##     }
## }
## <bytecode: 0x1537581b0>
print("calibration function:")
## [1] "calibration function:"
## function (cost_fun, O, D, delta = 0.05) 
## {
##     B <- rep_len(1, nrow(cost_fun))
##     eps <- abs(sum(B))
##     e <- NULL
##     i <- 0
##     while ((eps > delta) & (i < 50)) {
##         A_new <- 1/(apply(cost_fun, function(x) sum(B * D * x), 
##             MARGIN = 1))
##         B_new <- 1/(apply(cost_fun, function(x) sum(A_new * O * 
##             x), MARGIN = 2))
##         eps <- abs(sum(B_new - B))
##         e <- append(e, eps)
##         A <- A_new
##         B <- B_new
##         i <- i + 1
##     }
##     list(A = A, B = B, e = e)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x156362e80>
print("model run")
## [1] "model run"
## function (flows, distance, beta = 0.25, type = "exp") 
## {
##     F_c <- cost_function(d = {
##         {
##             distance
##         }
##     }, beta = {
##         {
##             beta
##         }
##     }, type = type)
##     print("cost function computed")
##     O <- apply(flows, sum, MARGIN = 1) %>% as.integer()
##     D <- apply(flows, sum, MARGIN = 2) %>% as.integer()
##     A_B <- calibration(cost_fun = F_c, O = O, D = D, delta = 0.001)
##     print("calibration: over")
##     A <- A_B$A
##     B <- A_B$B
##     flows_model <- foreach(j = c(1:nrow(F_c)), .combine = rbind) %do% 
##         {
##             round(A[j] * B * O[j] * D * F_c[j, ])
##         }
##     print("model run: over")
##     e_sor <- e_sorensen(flows, flows_model) %>% as.numeric()
##     print(paste0("E_sor = ", e_sor))
##     r2 <- r_2(flows_model, flows) %>% as.numeric()
##     print(paste0("r2 = ", r2))
##     RMSE <- rmse(flows_model, flows) %>% as.numeric()
##     print(paste0("RMSE = ", RMSE))
##     list(values = flows_model, r2 = r2, rmse = RMSE, calib = A_B$e, 
##         e_sor = e_sor)
## }
## <bytecode: 0x153e46cb8>