Web scrapping in R

When information is hard to get a hand on, consider scrapping it

Ivann Schlosser


Sometime, you can find interesting data for a project on the web, and quite often it will be possible to download the raw data set,like a spreadsheet, csv or json, for your own use. However, this is not always the case. And in these kind of cases, there is always the possibility to try web-scrapping. While it can seem like a lengthy extra step towards the realization of your intended idea, it can also give you the opportunity to develop a new skill, and understand better how websites work in general.
Web scrapping is generally legal, so you shouldn’t feel like you are doing something wrong when scrapping data. Occasionally, some web sites will have protection against it, but you still can manage to get what you want. This post will show an example of using the rvest package ( another great package from the tidyverse team) to scrap data from the website of michelin restaurants. Their data is not accessible online in raw format, so we have a true real-world case in hands.

Set up

Let’s include the libraries needed for this task.


and that’s it !

Now we will investigate the websites content at this link (depending on which country you are connecting from, this page can have a different aspect and language, but we keep the english version of the site).

Now, to start getting into the real thing, we need to open the web inspector tool that is included in most browsers. Usually, under the development tab. On a mac and with Safari, you can acces it by pressing COMMAND+ALT+I. Now to make life simpler, we turn on the element selection mode by pressing SHIFT+COMMAND+C. If you do this with safari on a mac, you should now be seeing something like that:

This way we can inspect the CSS and HTML elements and get their content. For example, when we navigate to the card of a restaurant and click on it we will see a pop-up like on the following image, and the corresponding part of the html code in the inspector will be highlighted. From then, we can expand the div element and navigate to the last one of interest to us.

This way we can identify the div elements containing some relevant information under their specific class:

  • .restaurant-details__heading--title for the name.

  • .card__menu-footer--price for the style.

  • .card__menu which contains attributes for the coordinates.

  • .link for the link to the page of the restaurant.


The rvest package provides a set of functions that gets the data from an html page as requested by the user.


First, we read the whole html code of the page via the read_html function, then we specify the class of the element we want to read from. Second, we specify whether we want the whole content of the element or just the text contained inside of it. This is done with the functions html_text2 or html_text respectively. We will be using the first one. Additionally, we can get attributes of the elements, this is done through the html_attr function. For each of these function, we specify as argument the attribute of interest found earlier. Finally, we need to combine these function in order to get the data, this is done by chaining the operations with the pipe operator,|>, from tidyverse.

Reading the website

michelin_url <- "https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/restaurants"

html <- read_html(michelin_url)

Extracting the relevant elements

name <- html |>
  html_elements(".card__menu-content--title") |> 

This has created a vector containing the text of all the elements that were found under the class specified, .card__menu-content--title.

We can now perform the same steps for each value of interest for a restaurant and group it into a tibble.

name <- html |>
  html_elements(".card__menu-content--title") |>

style <- html |>
  html_elements(".card__menu-footer--price") |>

lat <- html |>
  html_elements(".card__menu") |>

lng <- html |>
  html_elements(".card__menu") |>

pre_link <- html |>
  html_elements(".link") |>

pre_link <- paste("https://guide.michelin.com",pre_link[-c(1:18)],sep = "")

Putting it together

Next, the individual variables are combined in a single data set.

michelin_guide_scrap <- data.frame(name

Note that the link that we extract is the relative path of the page, so we paste the missing bit of the absolute path before it.

Now, let’s visualize the result:

Scrapped data
name lat lng style pre_link..1.
Šug 43.50949 16.44329 €€€ · Regional Cuisine https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/split-dalmatia/split/restaurant/sug
Konoba Tri Piruna 43.75935 15.77718 €€ · Modern Cuisine https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/sibenik-knin/vodice/restaurant/konoba-tri-piruna
Taj Mahal 42.64050 18.10876 €€ · Balkan https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/dubrovnik-neretva/dubrovnik/restaurant/taj-mahal
Beštija 45.81079 15.97294 €€ · Market Cuisine https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/zagreb-region/zagreb/restaurant/bestija
Il Ponte 43.51908 16.25026 €€€ · Contemporary https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/split-dalmatia/trogir/restaurant/il-ponte
Konoba Škoj 43.37098 16.35171 €€ · Mediterranean Cuisine https://guide.michelin.com/gb/en/split-dalmatia/isola-di-solta/restaurant/konoba-skoj

Et voilà !

The next steps now could be to look at each restaurants dedicated page and see if there is some more info that can be scrapped from there ! Additionally, there are almost 800 pages on the website that list all the restaurants the michelin guide has reviewed, so there is some need to build extra functions to automate the scrapping of all the data.

To conclude…

We can go further, and visualize the results on a map using the latitude and longitude of each restaurants we scrapped with a simple leaflet map.

lng1 <- min(michelin_guide_scrap$lng)
lng2 <- max(michelin_guide_scrap$lng)

lat1 <-  min(michelin_guide_scrap$lat)
lat2 <- max(michelin_guide_scrap$lat)

popup_name <- michelin_guide_scrap$name
popup_style <- michelin_guide_scrap$style
popup_link <- michelin_guide_scrap$pre_link

leaflet(data = michelin_guide_scrap
        ,options = leafletOptions(maxZoom = 14
                                  # ,minZoom = 6
                                  ,worldCopyJump = TRUE
        ) |> 
  addTiles() |>
  fitBounds(lng1 = lng1
            ,lat1 = lat1
            ,lng2 = lng2
            ,lat2 = lat2) |> 
  addCircleMarkers(lng = ~lng
                   ,lat = ~lat
                   ,radius = 2
                   ,color = "black"
                   ,opacity = 1
                   ,fillColor = "black"
                   ,fillOpacity = 1
                   ,popup = paste0("<h5>"
                                   ,"<h6> Style: "
                                   ,"<p> <a href = "
                                   ," target = '_blank' > Restaurant page </a>")
                   ,popupOptions = popupOptions(minWidth = "10%"
                                                ,keepInView = TRUE)
                   ,label = ~name)

For a more advanced visualization of the full data set, check the shiny app.